Southern Africa (EN)

December 2022
February 2023

Congo RDC

Returning to Kinshasa after about 10 years, the city has changed, partially. The main roads, 30 June and Airport Road, have been redone, and new buildings have been erected. However, as soon as one strays a little, the same potholed streets, poorly collected garbage, small shops, and street vendors still exist. There is also a feeling of potential violence that could erupt, so most evenings, I walk accompanied by a bodyguard. The street children, "shégués," left to fend for themselves, estimated to be over 20,000 for a population of about 12 million inhabitants, experience the agonies of desolation: theft, violence, extortion, prostitution, drugs, without housing, food, education, or health care. They are often seen in groups, sometimes running, shouting, pursuing or pursued.

The power has changed hands. Kabila's son has been forced to give way to Felix Tshisekedi, an ally of the past. Retired in his farms, enriched. What are their relations now? As many interlocutors, as many versions. My feeling is that he has emancipated himself from this tutelage and that he will certainly run for a second term in 2024. I will learn so much more by returning to Kinshasa in 2 months.
The opinions on the new governance are not unanimous: a desire to reform and clean up this vast country,
2.4 million km2,
110 million inhabitants,
3rd after Nigeria and Ethiopia, just ahead of Egypt.
But the task is titanic, so many habits of corruption at all levels, national and local potentates. Felix is ​​committed to organizing mining issues, permits, operating conditions, transport, and royalties. Here again, he must fight against sometimes colossal interests, countries, companies, individuals, not ready to give up and ready to do anything or much to continue to reign and enrich themselves in this country that has so much of everything, a "geological scandal."
We will come back to it from Lubumbashi. He must also face the interference of Rwanda and Uganda in the east, in Kivu. They take advantage of the vastness of the country, defective transportation, almost no roads allowing to cross the country, to plunder the mineral resources.
To continue to benefit, they organize chaos and destabilize the region by supporting the violence and abuses of the M23, a Tutsi movement.
The MONUSCO, the largest UN force engaged on an external field, 15,000 men, is powerless, before the population of Goma and the surrounding area turns against its officials and soldiers.

I meet a group of Belgians, born and raised here, with activities in the construction industry. "It was better before"... Understanding financial conditions and the sharing of wealth. They have all experienced episodes of violence, street unrest, sudden departures and returns.
One of them tells me about the time of Mobutu, the villas of his faithful with walls filled with hiding places to keep cash and retrieve it in case of problems. Mobutu and his palace in the countryside, Gbadolite. The space between two hills was filled in to lengthen the runway and allow the Concorde to land. Cows came from Switzerland, there was air conditioning and classical music. Everything was in keeping with the luxury. Kinshasa: boiling, vibrating, energetic, which gives the city, like Lagos or Addis, something of New York.
Music, contemporary creation, dance, it's an intense and permanent pulsation.
I never tire of listening to Fally Ipupa. And everywhere, good humor, smiles, resourcefulness, family, solidarity, despite difficulties, also because of them.

On the evening of the World Cup final, we, a hundred passengers, watch the match in the departure lounge before a two-hour flight to the southeast to Lubumbashi and Katanga. France loses.

Congo RDC Zambia

Lubumbashi, the capital of the Haut Katanga province and the second largest city in the DRC, is located two hours southeast of Kinshasa by plane. It is impossible to make the journey by road as the roads are non-existent or cut in some places, and the same goes for the railways. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Katanga region was in rebellion, initially refusing to join the motherland after independence in 1960. The situation was temporarily normalized in 1963. In the meantime, the leader Patrice Lumumba was deposed, arrested and assassinated in 1960. In 1978, there was a Franco-Belgian operation in Kolwezi to save European hostages, quell the mutiny, and safeguard mining interests.

The Haut Katanga is the DRC's richest mining province, with public interests consolidated in Gécamines. It attracts investors, intermediaries, and exploiters of all sizes from around the world, including Canada, China, Australia, and Switzerland. At the top is Glencore, an Anglo-Swiss multinational with 155,000 employees, a turnover of 200 billion USD, and declared profits of 4 billion USD. Founded in the 1970s by Marc Rich, who was wanted by the FBI, it controls around 50% of the global market for copper, aluminum, zinc, and lead. For these metals, it is considered to be the one that sets the prices rather than the markets. It also holds significant positions in lithium, diamonds, manganese, oil, tin, coal, and agricultural land. On the way back to the Kolwezi region, I will try to visit some of the mines.

Lubumbashi is calmer than Kinshasa, and I go to the center in the morning to have breakfast at the Brioche de Café and croissants. There is often a place in large African cities where, unsurprisingly, you can enjoy good food and meet the same regulars, usually notables, lawyers, professors, and civil servants who like to chat and debate. I make some good acquaintances, such as the recently arrived director of the French Institute from Nigeria, whom I will see again on my return. There is also an architect who is installing a huge solar project worth over 500 million in the Kolwezi region, as well as the local leaders of Money Transfer, a competitor of Western Union. There are expatriates from Zimbabwe and South Africa who run a good restaurant near the century-old golf course, a haven of tranquility to the west of the city. I meet Jakob, a farmer from the Kolwezi region, who has come to bury his mysteriously murdered nephew a few days earlier; he is also a chaplain and singer on YouTube. I have an appointment with the Minister of Finance, who is busy at the local assembly, and I will see her on my return, or maybe not.

Very little tourism here, I am one of the few muzungu; the welcome is easy and kind, and I feel comfortable even in the evenings with music, dance, and drinks.

The hotel, a bit out of the way, Faustin, suits me very well: clean, garden, bar, integrated dry cleaning, and secure. It adjoins a supermarket where you can find everything, much of it from South Africa. I am only staying a few days before passing through again in several weeks. I am heading down to Zambia by taxi and then bus. The road is good, with lines of thousands of trucks waiting to cross the border loaded with minerals, copper, and cobalt mainly for Tanzania, South Africa, and Namibia. On the return, many heavy equipment and products for mines arrived through the ports of southern Africa, mainly destined for the Kolwezi region. The road is the only means of transportation; an ex-governor, Moïse Katumbi, with interests in transportation companies, reportedly participated in the sabotage of the old local railways. I will learn so much more about him upon my return.

After 12 hours on the road, covering 400 km and a $100 border crossing fee, I arrive in Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, under tropical rain and fighting our way through intense traffic. I am far from imagining the difficulties of crossing this same border on the return.

Welcome to the Anglo-Saxon world...


I am staying at the Fairview hotel in Lusaka, the capital. It's a bit old-fashioned but the service is attentive. Throughout my stay, I will discover the kindness of the Zambian people. The city is crossed by a main avenue, Cairo Road. On one side are the poor neighborhoods, on the other, development: clinics, malls, residential areas, restaurants, the best hotel "Taj Pamodzi" lined with a long avenue of blooming mangroves, purple, and government buildings. The city center, therefore, exudes this slightly aging British atmosphere with signs, stores, advertisements, and products that I am sure to find soon in neighboring Zimbabwe.

Formerly known as Northern Rhodesia, it gained independence in 1964 and did everything to detach itself from the attraction to the south of the subcontinent, Rhodesia and South Africa, where England had led it. Zambia has particularly approached Tanzania, its northeastern neighbor. It has a population of 18 million for an area equivalent to Spain. It heavily relies on mining, copper, and cobalt, but without the disorder and lack of control that the DRC to the north experiences; it is subject to fluctuations in metal prices. The novelty and hope are the new President, Hakainde Hichilema, 'HH,' elected in 2021 against Edgar Lungu, who is universally recognized and respected in Africa and beyond. He was a five-time candidate before winning this election, and had been arrested fifteen times before. Everyone I meet likes him. He is committed to putting an end to previous endemic corruption. He comes from a rural background and a modest family, and succeeded in business.

At the Taj, I accidentally meet an Indo-Jordanian-Palestinian-Zambian couple, she was met at her stand in a mall, like there are many in Lusaka. Their story is fascinating, how, as a Muslim, she had to fight for several years to get her family to accept her life choice with her Indian-origin fiancé, even after his conversion. In the end, it worked out, and they are happy together. He now works in part with his father-in-law. He tells me about his passage to the other side of the mirror, two minutes in the afterlife, following a serious crisis in the hospital, and his encounter with the faceless creator...

On the morning of Christmas, there was little traffic in town, so I headed west to Mumbwa, a three-hour drive away. My goal was one of the famous parks, the Kafue, named after the river that runs through it, born in the DRC before flowing into the Zambezi, which itself flows towards Victoria Falls, and then into the Indian Ocean in neighboring Mozambique.

It turned out to be a bit complicated. First, from November to April, it's the rainy season. Most of the fifteen lodges are closed. The animals are dispersed and, therefore, more difficult to see. There's water everywhere, so there's no gathering around water points. Finally, one can no longer traverse the vast expanses of the park by car; the ground is soaked and makes any movement absolutely impossible.

I waited for a means of transport at the beginning of the dirt road to the northwest, towards Kasempa, under the mango tree. It was December 26th, the day after Christmas. There was loud talk in front of the rickety Chinese truck that was supposed to make the trip. One of the hopeful travelers for a hypothetical departure informed me that he was returning to work at the Hippo Lodge, which was closed for the rainy season. In fact, it was the season of violent rains, severe but scattered thunderstorms, making the land routes challenging.

Bingo, they called the Zambian manager on site, who agreed to welcome me despite the closure. His employee explained to me that the Slovenian owner had left for the holidays. I could, therefore, be an incognito client... In the meantime, I had to find a means of transport to reach the lodge 100 kilometers away, on dirt tracks. No vehicle passed, and the truck remained desperately empty. It lasted for eight hours. We decided to meet early the next day.

Zambia , Kafue Park

The next day, Tuesday, I'm at the rendezvous at 6:30. Under the mango tree. Nobody. The truck has disappeared. Over the course of the hours, versions of events are exchanged. The truck left the previous night towards Kasempa. The truck didn't leave because either it had no lights or the driver had a fight with his wife. My contact from the Lodge is in the vicinity and will arrive. He left with the truck last night.

After three hours of different and contradictory versions, each delivered with conviction by its author, it is likely that the truck left Mumbwa during the night with my "friend" from the Lodge. I decide to go on my own: a motorcycle taxi with a driver who speaks very poor English and has to be explained several times where the Lodge is located; it's simple, we have to turn left 15 km before the Lubungu Pontoon. We tie our bags and suitcase, fill up with fuel, oil, and check the pressure, and we hit the dirt road, light red laterite in color, with some passages with huge puddles of water, undulating landscapes, very green, tall grass, crops, maize, and soybeans at first. Soon the forest, not very tall or very dense, the horseflies suddenly arrive in their thousands, we cover everything that can be covered, the raincoat suffocates me but protects me. Some scares as my driver likes to drive quite fast; I scold him, but his true nature as a pilot takes over in the following minutes.

Surprisingly, after two and a half hours of travel, the Lodge is signposted on the left, 15 km away. In three hours, we are there. On the banks of the majestic Kafue River, filled to the brim with the rains of the season, about 250 meters wide, a luxurious Lodge, but deserted by clients. I meet my friend who took seven hours with the truck and gets tangled up in incomprehensible excuses. Above all, I head to the huge wooden terrace overlooking the water, where 10 hippos swim, float and have resided, almost forever, in this specific area: a blessing that allows for the name of the Lodge. I make a fair deal with the local manager to stay two days in this little paradise. On the program, two hours on the Kafue River by motorboat, a visit to the nearby copper mine, operated from 1911 to 1971, and a sumptuous chalet on the riverbank, "Out of Africa" without Meryl. After traveling as a backpacker for so long, I had forgotten about the service that can be found in some places.

Observing hippos is fascinating. They spend the day popping their heads out of the water every 30 seconds, shaking their small rounded ears, then returning to the water, where they can stand and feed on the bottom at 1.5 meters deep. Sometimes they emit a grunt so powerful that it gives an idea of the size of their submerged bodies and what might happen if one were to get too close. Such groups live all along the Kafue River; occasionally, one of them intrudes on a neighboring group, leading to a violent battle that can result in death. At night, they come onto the banks to feed on grass. Their skin is sensitive to the sun, and I never tire of following them, these wise monsters with their brown and pink hues, watching over their young. The rainy season lasts from November to March, during which the "cotton" terrain becomes impassable by Toyota vehicles, making it difficult to observe the big cats near the water sources. Therefore, almost all the fifteen lodges in the park close during this season. The five Zambians who remain to maintain the park are all lovely and accustomed to providing high-end service to a majority of wealthy Swiss tourists who often arrive by small plane from Lusaka to the nearby grassy airstrip near the Lodge.

For an indescribable but not shameful reason, I spend my second day in the residence of the employees, a bit away from the main chalets. They have equipped a more rudimentary but suitable room for me. A fire, kitchen, television tuned to Nigerian sitcoms, and a solitary, slightly daring walk in the surrounding bush. Re-observation of the hippos. Always and forever. I would stay for days by the powerful and silent river, during the day and at night, when everything and everyone awakens. Swimming is absolutely not recommended due to the presence of crocodiles.

a discovery,
Giono on his Provence and olives. Excerpts, selected pieces.

Monitoring the sky, what a passionate resource.

In some villages in the black part of the Basses-Alpes, there are no other storms but loneliness.

On Saint Catherine's Day, that is, November 25th, it is said that the oil is in the olive.

As soon as one moves away towards solitude, as the climate becomes harsher, one picks the olives one by one from the tree by hand. This goes far. It is another civilization.

I have a neglected orchard whose boundaries are uncertain.

The notary had given me cadastral numbers but, in the middle of the hill, it's like a violin to a one-armed man.

This is the radiant country that one dominates. It is also oiled with light and icy sun.

Not petty exquisite, but exquisite with violence and excess.

Along the paths, the rows of vines open up like the folds of a fan, revealing this land of blonde ochre on which the vines have wept and from which rises the warm and lively sap.

Giono, therefore, brings me back, through Provence, to the correspondence of Camus and Char devoured a few months before.


To Mongu
From Mongu
To Mongu

The road from Mumbwa to Mongu is straight, nearly 500 kilometers to reach the western edge of Zambia, close to the Angolan border. Mongu is peaceful.

The wide avenue that runs through it is lined with shops and stalls, "general dealers," with a stifling atmosphere due to the refrigerated drink cabinets. Since my first days in Zambia, except for Lusaka, I am the only muzungu, white person. They call me boss or brother. Smiles are frequent, and I take many photos.

To the south of the town, there is a ShopRite, a South African chain in the middle of a small mall, perfectly maintained. On December 31st, in a specific area of the supermarket, there was a long queue to buy bags of potatoes. Nobody could explain to me the end-of-year madness.

At the Country Lodge, the room is spacious, the wifi is perfect, and the service, as always, is impeccable. In the ShopRite parking lot, I meet Julius, who is driving his Defender. Elegant with his hat, he is accompanied by half a dozen adorable children. He confesses that he has 15 children and is a farmer south of Mongu, inviting me to visit him.

On December 31st, I spend the entire evening participating in a Pentecostal church ceremony. Under a large tent, while waiting for the building to be constructed, about a hundred faithful people dance, sing, and pray. There is fervor and credulity in response to incantations that promise a better year, free of all the problems of 2022. "Doors open" is the mantra for 2023, repeated endlessly. I grow tired of it.

Kalabo is an hour northwest of Mongu, where we cross the Zambesi, timid here, and its neighboring Little Zambezi. The horizon is entirely clear, perfectly flat, with absolute linearity. The immensity without any limit, a grassy plain and a few trees, often small acacias. I feel like flying on and on.

The Angolan border is 50 kilometers to the due west, and the road is perfect. Diamonds for sale, from Lusophone origin: this country really tempts me, a lot, and it's going to confirm itself.

Kalabo is the entrance to Liuwa Plain Park. This park has one of the strongest reputations in Zambia and Africa. It has been taken over by African Parks, an NGO from the Netherlands and South Africa, created in 2000 to manage and develop parks in Africa over the long term, 22 to date, in 12 countries, covering 20 million hectares. Partnership agreements are signed with governments and local authorities, including Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Mozambique, Chad, Benin, South Sudan, Angola, Malawi. There are over 1000 guards in total, and those I meet here are well-equipped. Prince Harry is the honorary president.

To enter, you have to take the ferry that crosses the small river. I am waiting for a vehicle to take me to the park headquarters, which is an hour's drive away. I wait, and wait, and nothing comes. I read, take photos, exchange, and still nothing. After 24 hours, I turn back. It's not my time. I will come back in the dry season, with a vehicle, and if possible, an airplane. Out of Africa.

I arrive in Mongu in the rain. I spend the evening at the Baker, with music, dance, and beer.

Zambia Namibia

In Mongu, I meet Edgar who promised to show me his farm. Edgar is a force of nature, a giant, an agricultural entrepreneur who came from the Zambian telecommunications industry.
Everyone knows him here, driving his refurbished light blue Defender. He has 15 children and 26 siblings.
We leave with three of his children on the back platform since school doesn't start until the following week. We leave the main southern road, turn right, pass through small villages with a few houses, surrounded by vegetable crops and mango trees.
We stop at his mother's house, who is 95 years old. He brings her bread every day. She can't hear everything, but she remains alert in her small house with a tin roof. The boundary between family, neighbors, and friends is blurred, and solidarity is total.
Our progress slows down as we leave, soon entering Balows Plain, where the land is rich, and there is plenty of water. However, we move slowly until we can no longer pass.
We stop where a two-bull cart takes over and carries us 20 minutes away. We are even more in the middle of the plain, where a small mound has been built for workers and herdsmen to take refuge during rainy times and protect themselves from the sun.
He grows rice, which is famous in the region, as well as tomatoes, cabbages, and corn. He has 280 cows for meat that return to the enclosures at night and are moved to alternate the fertilization of plots.
He hopes to have 500 by the end of the year.
He owns 10 hectares "bought" from the local king, who owns the plain to the Zambezi River.
I ask to meet the king: it costs 100 euros for an interview. Is there a discount for Muzungus? No time to negotiate; I'm leaving tomorrow.
Time stretches out in the middle of this infinite landscape, with limitless horizons, silence, clouds that make you lose scale, and sun. We are just fine, no better than at these moments.
On the fire, chima, a kind of white polenta made from corn flour, tomatoes, and mushrooms collected here. I brought and prepared on the embers some bacon and a beef fillet with pepper and chili: anthological.
With wine, it was sumptuous. Before leaving on our chariot, we visit one of the herds, 80 well-fed animals grazing on the plain. As we leave, he wants to show me a large pigsty that was recently built. It is clean, and he plans to set up a sausage factory: Chicago in the Zambian plain. To thank him, I promise to send him a pair of binoculars to observe the whole extent of his territory and his grazing animals.

Leaving Mongu, I gave Mr. a bible. She cried. Mangos. December, January, it's peak season. Mango trees, here and in many African countries, are landmarks of towns and villages - huge, rounded, generous with shade, and gathering places for discussion. Everywhere there are small stands where often children sell the fruit. At the Lodge, they fall heavy and ripe. I pick them up, peel them, remove the big pit and indulge several times a day; 5 fruits, that's the recommendation, right? I'm beyond that. Tender skin that swings between soft green and yellow, passing through orange, the flesh like never before. Orange mango color, mango scent, mango taste. A feast. Mango, Mango.

The Zambezi river structures the whole region and beyond, the Kafue is a tributary, the 4th largest river in Africa after the Nile, Congo, and Niger. It is 2750 kilometers long, with its source in Zambia and its mouth in the Indian Ocean in Mozambique. Not without first falling at Livingstone, Victoria, the largest waterfall in the world, 1700 meters wide, 110 meters high, at the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Soon.

On the road that descends from Mongu southwards to Zimbabwe and Namibia, one follows the river, first on our right, halfway across we cross it, it passes to the left, grows larger, widens, with some rapids, but nothing compared to what it awaits at Victoria, a few kilometers away.

The border with Namibia is surprisingly calm and easy to pass.

Katima, at the absolute end, the furthest point to the east, the end of the Caprivi corridor, is 450 kilometers long and 30 kilometers wide, sandwiched between Angola to the north and Botswana to the south. It was created in 1890, named after the German chancellor who succeeded Bismarck, to allow access to the Indian Ocean to the east. Ultimately, it was not used for this purpose, as the port of Walvis Bay in Namibia was constructed instead. The Rhodesian (now Zimbabwean) and Congolese exports were released through South Africa and Durban, and then exported through Dar El Salam in Tanzania or South Africa via Zambia and Zimbabwe.

I had not been to Namibia since 1995, presumably on the same day. This was the first of our summer campaigns in South Africa.

Katima is a medium-sized town with a main street lined with South African commercial surfaces, malls, and supermarkets. At the Passione restaurant, on the upper floor with a terrace, the pizzas were excellent, and they served breakfast. You can feel the economic weight of the immense and powerful southern neighbor. All finished products and a large part of the food come from South Africa. South Africa has become a destination for emigration, for those from the north, Zimbabwe, and beyond, to a country grappling with its own problems and demons, tensions, lack of electricity, and even water now. But many go there to work, learn, teach, receive medical treatment, and, in the opposite direction, many South Africans work in mines and management positions.

The Namibians, Zambians, and Congolese we have encountered over the past month have been incredibly welcoming, warm, and kind. Of course, it can be a bit more tense in Kinshasa at times, but the energy there is so strong that sometimes it boils over like a pot that's been left on the stove for too long.


It's quite pleasant to spend a few days in Katima. The Sweet Guest House is central, a bit set back from the main street, which itself is lined with countless commercial spaces, many of them selling clothes and shoes. ShopRite and Pick and Pay, like Carrefour or Auchan. Meals at Caprivi Adventures, very good British-style breakfast or upstairs at Passione, with decent pizzas and a South African white wine, which was starting to be missed. In the evening, Infinity, a huge bar and dance club right in the center with billiards, cocktails, and music... Everything to please and enjoy.

I decided to visit Etosha, in the north of the country, where vehicles can only be rented in Windhoek, the capital of this country of 850,000 km2 and 3 million inhabitants. From Katima, I took a 16-hour bus ride to Windhoek, which was rather comfortable, and arrived at dawn. The car rental companies were all located next to the terminal, and at exactly 7 o'clock on Sunday morning, they opened and I was out in 30 minutes with my Suzuki 4x4. Heading north, there were 6-700 km of straight and perfect roads between immense fenced properties transformed into luxury lodges, animals, and, occasionally, hunting.

I took a break in Otjiwarongo, where almost all the towns begin with an "O". A few kilometers away, there was a large cement factory with Chinese symbols at the entrance. Soon, in front of me, was Otjikoto: very long and high embankments surround the immense site; one can't see the largest Namibian gold mine, which has been operated since 2014 by the Canadian specialist, B2Gold. 200,000 ounces of gold per year, their second mine after Mali, which produces 600,000 ounces and before Nicaragua, for a total of 1,000,000 ounces per year. Their revenue is CAD 1.8 billion, and their annual cash flow is CAD 625 million. It's a curious feeling to see foreign interests largely taking over mining and agricultural resources, partially doing whatever they want in these sites, declaring what they want, and earning a lot of money.
See Glencore,
De Beers...

Etosha, like a large rectangle of 400 km in length and a hundred in height. The center and the north are occupied by a large dry marsh. Some lodges at the ends and in the center, 5 in all. It is comfortable, affordable, heart of the park and we eat quite well, welcome always smiling. I settle down, quick dinner because out before dusk. A few kms from the camp, 2 young male lions on the edge of the track are resting, heat and inactive day. and even if they have not yet fully reached adult size, they exude formidable power.
We continue in the dark night, now we follow them with the red searchlight, an older lion, white rhinos, a hyena , giraffes , zebras and antelopes . Absolute silence They are all there Near The night keeps the mystery of their sometimes tragic cohabitation. Departure at dawn, lights and temperatures still mild. The park is well designed, with its main east-west axis, and many side paths. several, always alone to meet orynxes, impalas, zebras, giraffes.
At a junction, 6 adult rhinos and a baby. males tell me, by turning sharply on themselves, that I am not welcome. At one point, we are closer, to the point of preparing to go into reverse. But they are fast and heavy... Finally they change sides cross the path and move away definitively, still surrounding the little one who must weigh 200 kgs.

I head for the west exit, huge gray or ocher termite mounds, depending on the land, giraffes pacing or drinking, majestic and elegant position to lower their heads to water level, the highest animal of creation, magic silence.

I am impressed by the number of animals, not all of them, evolving alone. Maybe momentarily. Or not. We know nothing or so little Fleeting spectators of their mysterious lives. The same for so long For a long time yet If we continue to respect them and protect them

Uncrowded park
Well managed and maintained

At the end of the day, I reach Opuwo, the northwestern end of Namibia, just under the border with Angola. This is the Kaokoland region, one of those, with other less populated parts of Botswana and Angola. , where the Himbas and Hereros live. The first signs of these nomadic herders and gatherers date back to the 15th century, in neighboring Botswana. They are of Bantu origin.
The missionaries taught certain women how to sew, a way of shielding them from the lustful desires of their husbands. separated becoming the Hereros.
We therefore meet, The Himbas, women naked at the top, sophisticated necklaces, skin covered with ocher earth, colored necklaces, often barefoot.
The Hereros, loose dresses and patchwork, hat whose width says wealth Both are dressed in this way every day, as if for a ceremony. In the surrounding villages but also in Opuwo, about 5,000 inhabitants, in the supermarket, in all public places, are dressed in this way.
They all live together, including with other Namibians. not belonging to these two tribes. At the beginning of the century they were, in very large numbers, massacred by the Germans, then masters of the region, the first genocide, recognized in 2021. Von Trotha, genocidaire.

I leave Opuwo and go on the dirt road, crossing the mountains, towards the west, the ocean is at the end, but decidedly too far. I stop in a tiny village, about ten huts, an arid region. a roof that offers us a little shade, I bring them sugar, oil, soups in sachets, flour to make the equivalent of porridge and sweets. I buy them necklaces and bracelets. exchange with one of them, a few words of English. The others express themselves in onomatopoeia. They comb each other's hair, make ornaments, their upper body ornaments, metal, shell, are elegant and sophisticated.
No embarrassment to appear the bare top of the body. Their skin is perfectly smooth, the color of the tiny piles of earth on sale in the markets, ocher, uniformly and magnificently ocher. The girls of around ten carry the young children, take care of them and console them like young mothers.
I am sitting in the middle of this small group of about fifteen people.
life of each.
They exchange and laugh I photograph I leave after an hour among them, unique and unforgettable moment.

The next day I drive along the south of the Angolan border, Okahao and Oshakati, before turning due south to return to Windhoek to return the car.
Twilight of fire.
Huge deserted straight lines.
Horizon flat to infinity.
It's beautiful, unique, magical.
The words? Which words ?

Botswana Zimbabwe

I make the trip in the opposite direction from Windhoek to return to Katima by night bus.
Stupidly, I had applied for a short Namibian visa of a few days and I have to go to the administration of the Home Office to have it extended and ransomed , slightly.

The geography and borders of the region are strange partly because of the Caprivi strip. So I leave Namibia at Ngoma to enter Botswana, quick stay in Kasane, Chobe Park, crocodiles, elephants and hippos live together in the humid plain and green; the baby elephants roll around in the good mud, the mother never far away.
We are there at the meeting point of 4 countries: Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe; better than our 3 European borders.

Zimbabwe therefore for an intense stay, long journeys starting with Victoria Falls. The Victoria Falls, grandiose and widest cataract in the world, 1,700 meters.
Zambezi is unleashed by rushing some meters lower, clouds of drops of water, permanent rainbows, rumblings rising from the bottom that we manage to guess despite the narrowness and the depth of the gorges. world, very few even, compared to these unique landscapes.
The COVID is not completely erased here. A couple of expatriates met in Botswana send me a copy of a Facebook message which warns the members of their group of the presence lions in their neighborhood; they give up their morning jog.

Long bus crossing along the immense Hwange Park, destination Bulawayo, second city of Zimbabwe. We stop frequently, travelers posted along the pothole road and transport of packages to compensate for the almost absolute inefficiency of the national post.
One packet, one ticket on departure
One ticket, one packet on arrival


Bulawayo is the part of the Ndebele led by their leader Joseph N'Komo whose statue adorns a crossroads in the city center.
Tragic history 1980
Lancaster Accords Rhodesia becomes independent
Everything changes, it becomes Zimbabwe, Salisbury the capital is now Harare Mugabe first Prime Minister became President in 1987 of this country of 400,000 km2 and 16 million inhabitants.
It is a very wealthy state, the breadbasket of Southern Africa with many mines in the center, notably the Copper Belt.
Mugabe will radicalize, drag the nation with him to the dock, corruption, rigged elections, impoverishment.
Many leave, South Africa and Anglo Saxon countries. He clings and must leave power in 2017 having failed to see his wife in his place, replaced by his second, Mnangagwa known as "the crocodile", from the time he massacred white farmers in 1964/65 before blowing up a train and spending 10 years in prison. Between 1982 and t 1987 , he took part , and some believe that he led , the Gukurahundi , genocide of 20,000 Ndebele in Matabele.
There will be new elections in 2023 , he will certainly be reelected. Matobo, just south of Bulawayo is home to the tomb of Cécile Rhodes who believed it was the most beautiful place in Southern Africa. He was not mistaken, 360 degree view to infinity, rocks in precarious balance , storms in the distance , ocher and green tones , silence. I come across 2 armed guards who are following a couple of rhinos , she in gestation , 16 months. their congeners the hippopotamuses. Calmes finally, in full vegetarian tasting, the horn cut every two years to discourage the Zambian poachers who enter the park.

I drive all the way south, to the South African border, Beitbridge.
Lots of people, but quiet enough to go to work with the powerful neighbor or go shopping, it's cheaper, in Messina, the big city of other side of the Limpopo river.
There are like that mythical names, places that I wanted to see, only for their consonance. He is going to throw himself, like his cousin Zambezi in the north, in the Indian Ocean in Mozambique, he in Xai Xai.

From Beitbridge, I will go up to the north, Eastern Highlands region, along the border with Mozambique.

First stage Chiredzi, very hot. Here we irrigate and produce sugar cane, fields and factory owned by the Anglo American who sold everything, under pressure, at the time of Mugabe. There are frequent police checkpoints , always a good child, I am never asked for a counterpart.
This region is in the axis of the cyclones which regularly devastate Mozambique, coming across the south of the Indian Ocean, starting with Madagascar before entering here in the south east. Zimbabwe. In the neighboring park of Gonarezhou, the main bridge was destroyed in 1998 and has not been rebuilt since.
The Park is known for its cliffs which I cannot reach, it is the rainy season and the roads are impassable. is bordered by a huge reserve of animals belonging to the Jones family, Dow Jones; they received Obama, Trump unaccompanied.
The photos of these cliffs are stunning; i will be returning from namibia and botswana in the dry season sept october 2024 inshallah.

On the way, a few hours, for Chipinge.Zimbabwe and Mozambique are separated here by rounded summits and covered with forests, many thorny trees, a little eucalyptus.
Scattered habitats, round, square huts, thatched roofs.
Everywhere I am welcomed with a smile and kindness, never a problem with the photos; I get those who ask for an often short trip into the car, they always offer a little money, it's no.


Before arriving in Chipinge, groups of women, at the edge of the road, sell fruits, bananas, pineapples. Thousands of pineapples put in boxes for the north, Harare, and the south, Johannesburg. that they are Victoria, small size, tender and sweet flesh.
I meet Bart.
He manages a huge agricultural property on behalf of investors:
300 hectares of macadamia nuts
200 hectares of bananas A few lawyers

The property, along mountainsides and to the bottom of the immense and wide valley is sumptuous, it is like being in the region of Stellenbosch.
At the time of the agricultural laws, at the beginning of the 2000s, the government took over 3/4 of the exploitation to redistribute them to local populations.
Recently, white-hot by local politicians shortly before the elections, a group of men came to claim all of the remaining property, they lost in court. Bart's parents arrived, like a lot of white s , from South Africa at the beginning of the 20th century.
They settled in southern Rhodesia.
Bart manages 500 employees. , dries them in huge wooden vats resembling vertical barrels. Stripped of their first shell, they are put in 25 kg bags and kept cool in large brand new warehouses.
Except that, the first customers are the Chinese ; Due to COVID, the price has dropped from $6 to $2 per kilo and demand is very low. So he has the entire 2022 harvest on his hands, in storage, waiting for the first to let go, buyers or sellers. Given the latitude, the nuts from the region have a particular quality, a very subtle taste and texture.
It employs 80 people to secure and prevent theft: a Chinese intermediary is rampant in town, buying up everything that is brought to him, plundering at night in the immense orchards.

The agricultural question is fundamental here in Zimbabwe. Mugabe decided to expropriate the white farmers, sometimes present for several generations.
They left, not, little, or badly compensated in Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, even in the north , Congo DRC. Some have stayed, have kept or recovered part of their farms. Today the situation is unclear and uncertain.
What is certain is that part of the redistributed land is now fallow and that Zimbabwe, previously net exporter, nourishing, and beyond, all its population became importer.
The government, still respectful of Mugabe, puts this failure and, beyond, the whole of its difficulties, on the account of the international sanctions linked to flawed electoral processes. Easy.

I am going to Harare, the capital. I am lucky enough to be staying with Paddy and Mark, a spacious house and garden to the east of the city center. His grandparents, farmers, arrived from South Africa. Rhodesia, they came back, agriculture and breeding incompatible with the presence of too many lions. and small precarious stands, aging collective housing. Despite this, everyone and especially everyone dresses elegantly and the colors are shimmering. taking what they can. Explanation: the elections are approaching and this neighborhood is held by the opposition.

The afternoon is another world. In the north, wealthy suburbs, very green and small hills: Newland, Chisipite, Borrowdale English schools, upscale shopping centers with restaurants, luxury 4 X 4s. There are many money and I always have the same answer: politicians. children do not receive sufficient food. The country has everything, absolutely everything, to live decently, even well Agriculture, mining, tourism.
And yet...


Sunday morning, early, we take the road to Chegutu, 100 kms south west of Harare. This is where William, one of the two sons of Paddy and Mark, manages the Walden Mine, gold mine, on behalf of of 3 investor owners from the capital. William is a tall, bearded man, thin, rather silent, in his thirties.
He is the one who drives everything because he knows everything, understands everything, chemistry, mechanics, men, calculations. He arrived a few months ago and improved performance, maintenance and organization. He spends all his days at the mine with a few days a month back in Harare.
We spend 3 hours visiting and he is constantly called upon by his teams, 350 people , to give his opinion or find a solution.With great kindness, he gives me more than an hour for a great tour of the site and explanations.Zimbabwe is crossed from north to south by a large underground fault, which includes most of the ores, copper, lithium, cobalt and gold. Walden is located ue on this fault.
Outside the city, in the middle of the countryside, it is a large guarded space where the underground mine itself, the ore processing facilities, two large spaces for storing water are united. , maintenance workshops and offices. Incessant noise from the engines allowing the installations to run.
The site has 3 activities:
The extraction and processing of its own ore
The processing of the ore brought by local and artisanal miners with the same method as that used for the ore belonging to the mine Processing of the outside ore with a more rudimentary method; here They rent tanks where large wheels constantly turn to grind the pebbles.
The more elaborate treatment is called CIP, Carbon In Pulp, Leaching by Cyanidation They use cyanide to dissolve the gold, water, 600 M3 per day to process the daily 600 tons of ore. The ore is turned, reduced to small pebbles in huge metal rollers. When local miners manage the gold extraction process themselves without using the mechanical installations of the mine , they use mercury, which is infinitely polluting and harmful to their health. The gold must be sold to the state, the price is currently around 50 dollars per gram. The locals melt the gold, transform it in jewels that they are going to sell in the surrounding countries. William shows me a stone where some tiny little dots shine, all that for that...

A few kilometers away, at the edge of a dirt road, as everywhere around, we stop near a tiny installation. A few square meters, a rudimentary tent, plastic roof to protect ourselves on rainy days. Two men waiting of their 4 colleagues who had gone to town. A crank allows them to go down to the bottom of the well, entrance of one m2, 32 meters deep, side galleries of 6 meters, nothing is supported. They dug everything by hand, hammer and piton, explosives. They descend, riding a plastic bucket, with their two tools, a headlamp, and a rudimentary helmet. They found a vein a few months ago and then nothing since, so they continue to dig, always deeper. Always more risky. The booty is shared 50/50 between the 6 diggers and the owner of the land. word of complaint of the two men present. Life as they have known it since childhood. For a few tens, hundreds of dollars, random amount they will earn in several months.If the luck of finding a new vein is with them.
The vein.
Unless they end up at the bottom of the collapsed mine,
them with


At the Taj Pamodzi, my favorite big hotel in Lusaka, a lot of excitement, ministers, journalists, participants, for two conferences which are held simultaneously and independently: Transparency International and the Jimmy Carter Foundation of Atlanta.
I meet local NGOs, very engaged, enthusiastic.
Over the course of the discussion, totally free, I think back to the filmmakers from Harare, the southern neighbor, selected by Netflix for a previous film, who did not have the right to make a biopic on Mugabe.
their involvement in development and all that still needs to be improved, the country comes a long way.
Last year, the government of the new President, recognized by his African peers and beyond, abolished tuition fees for public schools, an exception in Southern Africa. In Zimbabwe, the smallest public school in the countryside costs €100 per year. When you know that every family is large...I ask them what their priorities are , the most anticipated improvements. I expected health or education; surprisingly, unanimously, they answer me "governance" and explain to me that, inherited from previous regimes, decisions are still too long to be taken, the administration is not flexible and decentralized enough. No desire to leave the country to find something better elsewhere contrary to what I met in Zimbabwe. We establish a selection of the 3 "best" African regimes, except for North Africa and come to an agreement quite easily, without fixing an order:
We could add, not far, Ghana, Kenya , Namibia. In the end, here as elsewhere, the key lies in the leader Masisi, Hichilema, Kagame are exceptional because they place the interest of their people above all, they drive out corruption, endemic evil, and fight for mastery of their resources.
Of course everything is not perfect, but, The basic needs, health, education, food, housing, are rather correctly satisfied And have we put in Western t only a few years to reach the current level of development and respect for human rights?
resources ; they have a limited, very limited vision of the interest of their people, enrichment and maintaining power constituting their two main objectives, the two being intimately linked.
The Congo DRC constitutes a situation apart, the will to move forward of President Tsichekedi is strong but comes up against established interests, internal and external enemies, and, not insignificantly, the size of the country.

Zambia Congo RDC

In Lusaka, I chat with David, the new French chef of the Taj Pamodzi.
Taj is the hotel chain of the Indian conglomerate
Tata, a little less prestigious than Oberoi, but equivalent to Sofitel all the same.
He has just arrived with his wife and two children. She worked at Le Meurice with Alleno and they traveled to Taj: Delhi, London, Marrakech and now here in Zambia. They are Breton and we salivate together at the mention of an improbable kouign amann , almost impossible here, the butter is overpriced.
Evenings at the Duck Inn, Prime Joints. They recognize the origin of African music at the first notes, Tanzania, Nigeria, South Africa, Zambia ...
I I am quite incapable of it as I was with the accents of each country in Central or South America. Obvious to them.
The Zambian President, Hakainde Hichilema, is almost unanimously recognized for his integrity and his efforts to move the country forward. in the right way.
A world compared to s his predecessor who soon risks the lifting of his immunity and the trials to follow. He will probably have left the country before, South Africa, Dubai...?

I am returning to Congo DRC after having left it for this same Zambia 6 weeks ago. By the northeast, the Copper Belt, the country is the 7th world producer of copper and 2nd in Africa.
The Chinese are everywhere, even gas stations are named after them. Immense mines that you can guess on the side of the road, colossal processing plants, totally dedicated cities. Here we take the measure of the power of the industrial world, the pharaonic needs for minerals, the involvement of foreign groups.
The scale of the buildings, the thousands of trucks waiting for weeks to go up to the Congo in the north, blocked waiting for customs. Mining vehicles, containers, pipes, reels, giant tires... all the supplies await their delivery, coming from these same industrialized countries to participate in the great game of the world economy: ferocious appetites, extreme exploitation, financial stakes, opacity, everything is there, before my eyes, fascinated, bewildered, like a he masterful lesson in global economics.

The last 25 kms to reach the Congolese border of Kasumbalesa take place on a totally bumpy road, double uninterrupted line of trucks, total chaos which announces the final stage.
Kasumbalesa is dantesque. Huge puddles of water, no evacuation, roads in the ground, palpable tension approaching the border, rubbish scattered everywhere, small merchant huts made of odds and ends, bogged down trucks, blocked traffic, horns, shouts, music. I arrive Friday at 6 p.m.
The customs come to close until 6 am the next day. I sleep a few steps away, Executive Lodge, correct in the end, non-soundproof nightclub, very sound, beers, screens to follow the English football championship, like everywhere during this trip. Early return to customs, easy exit from Zambia, well organized.
The stratagem set up with Camille, the need for an emergency return to Paris does not even touch them. Congolese customs refuses me and sends me to the Consulate of Ndola to redo the visa.

3 hours on the road, partly rutted, overpriced taxi. I arrive right on time and receive the visa in a few minutes, for a fee.
Return in 6 hours to Kasumbalesa, I run with my suitcases and bags, the carrier follows me with the rest of my luggage. , I am a tourist. The person in charge of customs finances explains sufficiently loudly: "We must repress the French" I leave, return again to Zambia, always as friendly and helpful. At the exit, I meet James and a friend who leaves visit his children in Johannesburg. His brother works at the customs post of Sakania, the other is the prosecutor of Haut Katanga in Lubumbashi. Sakania is close to Ndola, in the south, we return there in the anarchy of night traffic.
Saturday morning therefore, customs post of Sakania.Av ec JamesHis brother, ill, is absent. I am leaving Zambia again, still without incident. First Congolese control, I am not a Zambian resident...
Endless wait, I become really nervous. Everyone calls his boss, and the person in charge arrives office of the DGM, Directorate General of Migration. Surprised, dressed in his impeccable white turtleneck, he agrees with a smile. James knows him well and everything happened between them in his office.
Stamp on my passport, finally, wouahhhh .
Transition to the Secret Services office which agrees not to search my 4 luggage, James contributes, on my funds.
I am in Congo RDC and can join Lubumbashi, yes, oui.40 hours.In total, my two entries in Congo RDC , from Paris and Zambia, will have cost me more than the plane ticket. Still work President Tsichekedi.
But it is so good to return to Congo despite these hassles.
I have about ten days left. intend to take full advantage of it and ultimately ent.

Congo RDC


In 1978, a rebellion put the city on fire and blood. Katangan independence fighters supported by external forces, Angolan and Cuban in particular. on the ground by a former Belgian soldier. In a few hours, the city is under control, more than 200 dead on the expatriate and Belgian side, more than a thousand on the Zairian side.

Kolwezi is a mining town, in the heart of the densest mining region of Congo DRC. Copper, uranium, cobalt. and the traditional stalls.
Everything happens outside, more or less far, in the mines. The buses are crowded with miners, in bright blue or orange clothes, leaving for work or coming back.
Everywhere you can buy the essential equipment , more or less sophisticated tools, held to go down to the bottom of the mines. The hotels are expensive, occupied by expatriates, Belgians and South Africans most often, on mission, experts in all the trades required to operate this immense business. It's a bit like an oil rig: they work for several months, without rest, and return home for a month, earning a lot. A world apart. u country: Kamoa. But the sites are significantly smaller, relatively, than those in northern Chile and Papua New Guinea in particular. And they also include many small artisanal wells.
As everywhere, a certain opacity reigns over the operators, owners and of course even more, the financial circuits. I am reminded of a Lebanese intermediary, living in Dubai, visiting by jet, who would sell for a million dollars of minerals a day, cash. Glencore, the Swiss masters of the mining world. Ivanohe, Canadians. The Chinese. Many Everywhere 30,000 in the region 14 casinos open 24/7. .They buy the ore and send it out of the country to process it elsewhere, in Southern Africa or even in China. It is a question of cracking down, when, how? Always opacity. Previously, all the resources belonged, more or less, to the state-owned company Gécamines. Tshisekedi is trying to put all this in order.
The big deal is buzzing everywhere and particularly in Katanga, it's the presidential election at the end of 2023. Tsichekedi will run for a second term, that's understood. Opposite, here , we talk a lot about Moïse Katumbi , official candidate , one of the strong men of the region , former governor of Haut Katanga , owner of the Mazembe football club in Lubumbashi who is causing misfortune on the continent ;
huge farm near Lubumbashi with 1,400 employees, businessman, fishing, transport, mining services ... African personality of the year in 2015; His name comes up often and we talk about a possible alliance with Kabila, the revenge of Katanga .

I meet Eric, 70 years old Belgian chef from Namur who spent most of his life in Congo DRC. He is undeniably talented, I will not forget his pepper steak for a long time. He officiated for the three previous heads of state , held La Grignote for 20 years in Lubumbashi, renowned table.
Supply from Brussels, direct flight at the time, foie gras, shellfish, game, chocolate ... no limit. He delighted Mobutu whom he regrets. Joseph Kabila, the father, also a great one, I report. Much more skeptical about the two successors, Laurent Désiré who admitted to knowing nothing to him, he learned quickly, and Félix, I feel he is more reserved. opinion that we can carry on this time, he went through years of absolute madness where money was earned, spent, spread out He organized end-of-year parties for several hundred dollars, more than 200 people, many alcohol and everything. We agree on something s good addresses in Brussels, in particular the "Comme chez soi", which he practiced.

I return to Lubumbashi then Kinshasa.
Last week.

Congo RDC

In Lubumbashi, I speak with Khaled, grandparents who came from Lebanon to do business and then settle. He is in mining In the triangle of death, stronghold of the Mai Mai, separatists. , especially copper, he wants to automate the operation and must invest for this.
Officially he has paid 50,000 dollars for the location;
300,000 in reality, a lot of official documents to obtain... He returns to the circuits: Very few ores treated on site, the main part in Tanzania or Asia via the port of Dar es Salaam. He cleans with water and exports to traders, then Asian smelters before supplying Samsung and all the major telephony manufacturers, in particular. Everything is there:
A dozen ores, often mixed together because the subsoil is so rich and abundant, hence also processing difficulties to separate everything.ITA, international organization, traces the origins to prevent minerals from being used in our electronics from:
Wars Exploited children Laundering East of the country, Kivu, mainly coltrane, tin, here in Katanga, copper, cobalt, uranium Historically, all or most of it was housed in Gécamines, the state holding company, which owned more or less all the Belgian post-colonial assets.
let go and the IMF, faced with Zaire's financial difficulties, ordered the transfer of a large part of the mines. owns so many here, businesses, lands, an empire that is maintained. Many Congolese Belgians at the hotel bar, born, raised here, always between two planes with Brussels.
The Congo is their country that they love, dual nationality, mixed histories, to have been, to still be, but less or differently.

Lubumbashi is 1,200 km from Kinshasa but the roads are impassable. The airport is local but impossible to manage on your own, especially as musungu, a Bantu word for vagrants in the past, so I pay for: Entering the area of airport Paying flight taxes Baggage surcharges Avoiding having my suitcases opened The coordinator of everything Very quickly the desire to negotiate disappears, only the desire to take off remains; and it works very well. Upon arrival in Kinshasa also, the same cheaper, I have my contact waiting for me. On the tarmac, a fleet of private jets, Angola, Russia, China... The Chinese, I met them at the Pullman in Lubumbashi, perfectly bilingual, business in Congo Departing for Asmara,
Another business.

On boarding for Kinshasa, I meet B. American citizen, Canadian, of Indian origin. Previously in US finance, his wife at the UN.
Now in business, mainly in Congo DRC, with, and on behalf of investors. He favors this country where he has his contacts, where everything takes place in repatriable dollars and where the opportunities are on the scale of the country and its resources. He is based here but travels to Africa and the USA where he also resides. He does not say everything and I respect him, but his activities are numerous and varied here. His economic and political contacts are of the first level, even beyond. With him, at home, the big decisions were taken, and probably will be taken national strategies. I have proof of this at the dinner together in Kinshasa, impressive. On the business side, it is impossible to go higher, they came to his house, here in Congo DRC, names that everyone knows, he practices them. He is very discreet and the little that it evokes cannot appear here. I understand a point: the leaders, owners of these companies become monstrously powerful, by their powers and financial capacities, develop ambitions and projects, sometimes outside their present activities, allowing them at the same time to ensure a new domination, to develop their business and sometimes to respond to personal ambitions of a more moral or philosophical nature.

So goes this region
So goes the country ,
the continent ,
the world.
Uninhibited Offering to the highest bidders Playgrounds of business and international tensions.
laws, money, power, stakes, tribes, conflicts, policies, clashes of companies, countries, everyone uses, at best, at the expense.
The poor dig

So that on the surface, the others can participate in this gigantic economic and financial game, enrich themselves to excess: a well-known intermediary sells minerals for a million dollars a day.


8 billion
Soon to be 102 in 1900
Too much, so much for Africa:
1.5 billion today,
4 billion at the end of the century.


Southern Africa (FR)